TheJournal of Phytomolecules & Pharmacology (JPP)is functioned by the guidance of an Editorial Board consisting of Editor-In-Chief, Associate Editor-In-Chief, Associate editors, Managing editor, Academic editors, and Assistant editor. The Editorial Board members will improve the quality of journal by their insight recommendations, expertise, and evolving strategies. Additionally, they should regulate a routine task and motivate colleagues, friends and students for the submission. Editors should play the principal role in publishing quality research, improving journals’ impact factors, and contributing to frequent publications.
Tenure of Editorial Board
Editorial Board members will be selected by the publishers after the approval of Editor-in-Chief and undertake a revision in every two years. Alterations may occur, in the case of any member resigns or convicts for the violation of Journal ethics and publications.
Editorial Process by the Editors
After the submission, the manuscript should handle by the managing editor, who later send them to the section editor either for the peer-review process or desk rejection.
After completing the review process, the revised manuscript is sent to the same consigned editor, section editor or associate editor in the specific field for critical evaluation of the comments by the referees whether the manuscript can be sent to the authors for further revision or accepted or rejected. The final decision is taken on the revised manuscript by the Editor-in-Chief depending on the editors and reviewer’s comments.
The Key Roles of the Editors are
Advice the Editor/Editors to make a critical decision over any issues regarding ethics of publication, plagiarism and duplicate publication.
Recommend on journal objectives and prospective
Contribute to the selection process of Editorial Board members
Primary assessment of the submitted manuscripts
Encourage new authors, colleagues and peers for submissions to the journal.
Contribute to journal as special issue editor
Co-ordinate the peer review process and inspect the final manuscript for any ethical, English language or technical difficulties and ensure the articles meet the editorial policies.
The Editor’s can make re-submission decision of the submitted article and send back to the authors.
The editor’s final decision should be explained in detail so that the author can realize the reasons for accepting or rejecting the articles.